Wednesday, October 16, 2013

AIIMS November 2012

AIIMS November 2012

1. Which of the following is true about testis?
A. Ectodermal in origin
B. Gubernaculum is attached to the
caudal end of testis
C. Surrounded by peritoneal tunica
D. Reach scrotum at 28th weeks of

2. Which nerve does not supply gluteal
A. Sciatic nervez
B. Superrior gluteal nerve
C. Inferior gluteal nerve
D. Nerve to obturator internus

3 a. Nerve damaged in case of numbness of little
and ring finger, atrophy of hypothenar muscels:
A. Palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar
B. Deep branch of ulnar
C. Ulnar nerve before division into
superficial and deep branches
D. Posterior cord of branchial plexus

3 b. Loss of extension of little ring finger,
hypothenar atrophy is seen in injury of:
A. Post interosseous nerve
B. Radial trunk
C. Ulnar Nerve
D. Median nerve

4.Root value of long thoracic nerve
A. C-3,4,5
B. C-5,6,7
C. C- 7,8,T-1
D. C-2,3,4

5. Ciliary muscles develop from
A. Surface ectoderm
B. Neural crest cell
C. Mesoderm
D. Neuroectoderm

6. Which of the following structure in the spermatic
cord is not damaged during vasectomy:
A. Testicular artery
B. Ilioinguinal nerve
C. Autonomic nerves
D. Pampiniform plexus

7. Sternocleidomastoid is supplied by all of the
following artery except:
A. Occipital
B. Superior auricular Artery
C. Posterior auricular Artery
D. Thyrocervical trunk

8. All of the following organs develop in the
mesentery of stomach except:
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Kidney
D. Pancreas

9. Number of vertebrae is usually constant in:
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral

10. The ligaments connecting the menisci to the tibia
are known as:
A. Coronary
B. Arcuate
C. Transverse
D. oblique

11. A person was taking something over bookshelf
falls on his arm laterally, after which he is not able to
extend his wrist, unable to make a strong hand grip
and there is long of sensation on dorsum of hand
and fingers. Which of the following structure is
A. Branhial plexus
B. C7 radiculopathy
C. Posterior cord injury
D. Radial nerve injury

12. Apiglottis develops from which of the following
A. 2nd pharyngeal arch
B. 3rd pharyngeal arch
C. 4th pharyngeal arch
D. 6th pharyngeal arch

13. All are true regarding blood supply increase in
muscle during exercise except:
A. Local Metabolite
B. Sympathetic stimulation
C. Cholinergic stimulation
D. Inhibition of beta receptor

14. End diastolic volume increases in:
A. Decrease in total blood volume
B. Increase in intrapericarfial pressure
C. Increase in negative intrathoracic pressure
D. Decrease in ventricular compluiance

15. Right axis deviation is seen in:
A. Lying down position
B. Thin and tall
C. Obese person
D. At the end of peak expiration

16a. Clamping of the carotid arteries below
(proximal) the carotid sinus is likely to produce:
A. Increase in vasomotor centre activity
B. Increase in discharge of carotid sinus sfferent
C. Decreased heart rate and blood pressure
D. Baroreceptor adaptation

16b. Clamping of the carotid arteries below
(proximal) the carotid sinus is likely to produce:
A. Increase in blood pressure and increase in
heart rate
B. Decrease in blood pressure and decrease in
heart rate
C. Increase in blood pressure and decrease in
heart rate
D. Decrease in blood pressure and increase in
heart rate

17a. Self stimulation is experimentally done from
which part of brain?
A. Medial forebrain bundle
B. Area around aqueduct of sylvius
C. PV region of hypothalamus
D. Radial radiotherapy

17b. Stimulation of which of the following areas of
brain is experimentally used to control intractable
A. Periaquaeductal grey matter
B. Mesencephalon
C. Subthalamic nucleus
D. Medial forebrain bundle

18. A politician is shot in the back during a rally at
level of TB vertebral immediately after the shot he
loses all the sensation below level of lesion. Chance
of regeneration of spinal cord due to the fact that
injured nerve is not able to regeneration is due to
reason all except:
A. Lack of the endoneural tubes
B. Lack of growth factors
C. Presence Of glial scar
D. lack of myelin inhibiting substance

19. Which of the following is true?
A. Dopamine increase the hepatic and mesenteric
blood flow at high dose
B. Dobutamine decreases peripheral vascular
C. Nor-adrenaline increases the renal blood flow
D. Adrenaline causes selective renal vasodilation

20. Which of the following is not a second
A. c-AMP
B. IP3
C. Guanylyl cyclase
D. Diacylglycerol (DAG)

21. Which of the following is seen in association with
membrane raft?
A. Mannose binding protein
B. GTP associated receptor
C. GPI anchored protein
D. G-coupled receptor

22. Hepatic enzyme undergoes phosphorylation
from dephosphorylated state. Which of the
following is true?
A. Affected by level of Catecholamines
B. Occurs in starvation rather than well fed state
C. Always activated by c-AMP dependent protein
D. Always activates the enzyme

23. Which of the following is not true regarding the
principle of using nanotechnology for its use in the
medical science?
A. Spectrum of the frequency between absorption
and emission is narrow
B. Produce long lasting fluorescence
C. Has narrow spectrum of emission frequency
D. Not recalled

24. Which of the following is not a cause of point
A. Paracentric inversion
B. Deletion
C. Substitution
D. Insertion

25. A child develop skin tumor with blisters on
exposure to sunlight. Irregular dark spots on the skin
were also found. He is very likely has defect in which
of the following mechanism?
A. Thymidine dimmers repair
B. Base excision repair
C. Mismatch repair
D. Double strand break repair

26. True about RIBOZYME:
A. Peptidyl transferase activity
B. Cut DNA at specific site
C. Participate in DNA synthesis
D. GTPase activity

27. Test to differentiate the chromosome of normal
& cancer cells:
B. Comparative genomic hybridization
C. Karyotyping
D. Western Blotting

28. Enzymes found in CSF:
D. Deaminase and Peroxidase

29. Hyperacute rejection is due to:
A. Preformed antibodies
B. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte mediated injury
C. Circulating macrophage mediated injury
D. Endothelitis caused by donor antibodies

30. Flow cytometry is done on:
A. Polycythemia
B. Thrombocytosis
C. Basophil
D. Lymphocytes

31. Which of the following does not indicate
megaloblastic anemia?
A. Increased reticulocyte count
B. Raised Bilirubin
C. Mild splenomegaly
D. Nucleated RBC.

32. Myelofibrosis leading to a dry tap on bone
marrow aspiration is seen with which of the
following condition?
A. Burkitt’s lymphoma
B. Acute erythroleukemia
C. Acute megakaryocytic leukemia
D. Acute myelomonocytic leukemia

33. Receptor on neuronal membrane that induces
development of glioma:
A. CD-117
B. CD-133
C. CD-33
D. CD-45

34. CD 95 is a marker of:
A. Intrinsic pathway of apoptosis
B. Extrinsic pathway of apoptosis
C. Monocyte
D. Leucocyte

35. Lymphoma Marker is:
A. S-100
B. HMB-45
C. Leukocyte common antigen
D. Cytokeratin

36. A patient of more then 70 years, presented with
generalized lymphadenopathy. WBC count was
20,000/mm3 and blood film showed >70% mature
Lymphocytes. Next investigation that should be
done :
A. LN biopsy
B. Peripheral Immunophenotyping
C. Bone merrow aspiration
D. Peripheral blood cytogenetics

37. Most common fixative used in electron
A. Glutaraldehyde
B. Formalin
C. Picric Acid
D. Absolute alcohol

38. In a specimen of kidney, fibrinoid necrosis is
seen and onion peel appearance is also present.
Most probable pathology is:
A. Hyaline degeration
B. Hyperplastic arteriosclerosis
C. Glomerulosclerosis
D. Fibrilliary glomerulonephritis

39. Staining done for sebaceous cell carcinoma:
A. Oil Red O
C. Methamine silver

40. Mutation in COL4A5 chain the diagnosis:
A. Alport’s syndrome
B. Good pasture’s syndrome
C. Hereditary Non-polyposis Colon Cancer
D. Xeroderma Pigmentosum

41. Person having heterozygous sickle cell trait is
protected from infection of:
A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. Pneumococcus
D. Salmonella

42. Which of the following is an ocular sideeffect
of HAART therapy?
A. Retinitis
B. Uveitis
C. Optic neuritis
D. Scleritis

43. Rho kinase inhibitor:
A. Fasudil
B. Ranolazine
C. Amiloride
D. Nicorandil
44. Best agent for premenstrual syndrome
A. Progesterone
B. Anxiolytics
D. Vitamin E

45. Which of the following is not a 2nd
generation antihistamine?
A. Cetrizine
B. Cyclizine
C. Loratidine
D. Fexofenadine

46. Treatment of choice for extended spectrum
betalactamase producing enterococci:
A. Ampxicillin – clavalunic acid
B. Piperacillin-Tazobactam
C. Ampicillin only
D. Ampicillin + Sulbactam

47. In new drug designing, problem arises in:
A. Decreasing interaction of drug with target
B. Increasing drug nteraction with non-target
C. Decreasing potency of drugs
D. Increased binding with target protein

48. Unfavorable interaction of drug and
substrate in human beings are all except:
A. Omeprazole reduces stomach acid secretion
B. Methotrexate inhibiting folate
C. Barbiturates decreases B12 absorption
D. Retinoic acid inhibits vitamin E
49. A patient with glaucoma is being treated
with systemic beta blocker. All of the following
can be given to the patient except?
A. Brimonidine
B. Dorzolamide
C. Levobunolol
D. Prostaglandin

50. Which of the following agent is not used in
erectile dysfunction?
B. Vardenafil
C. Phenylephrine
D. Alprostadil

51. True about Penicillin G:
A. It can be given orally
B. It is has broad spectrum activity
C. Used for treatment rat bite fever
D. Probenecid given along with PnG decrease its
direction of action

52. Cholinomimetic is not used for:
A. Open angle glaucoma
B. Bradycardia
C. Cobra bite
D. Myasthenia gravis

53. The endotoxin of the following gram
negative bacteria doesn’t play any part in the
pathogenesis of the natural disease?
A. E. coli
B. Klebsiella
C. Vibrio cholera
D. Pseudomonas

54. Aerosol spread leading to epidemics is seen
in infection with:
A. Legionella
B. Hemophilus
C. Influenza
D. Mycoplasma

55. Which of the following features is not shared
between ‘T cells’ and ‘B cells’?
A. Positive selection during development
B. Class I MHC Expression
C. Antigen Specific Receptors
D. All of the above

56. With reference to Bacteroides fragilis, all of
the following statements are true except:
A. B. Fragilis is the most frequent anaerobe
isolated from clinical samples
B. B. Fragilis is not uniformly sensitive to
C. Lipopopolysaccharide formed by B. fragilis is
structurally and functionally different from the
conventional Endotoxin
D. Shock and DIC are common in Bacteroides

57. A formal from the sub-Himalayan region
presents with multiple leg ulcers. The most likely
causative agent is:
A. Trichophyton
B. Cladosporium
C. Sporothrix schenkii
D. Aspergillus

58. Farmer presents with the features of high
fever, painful inguinal lymphadenopathy,
vomiting and diarrhea and hypotension. Which
stain will help in the diagnosis?
A. Nesser stain
B. Wayson’s stain
C. Albert’s stain
D. McFadyean’s stain

59. An abattoir worker presented with a
malignant pustule on his hand that progressed
to form an ulcer. Smear was taken from the
ulcer and sent to laboratory for investigation.
The diagnosis is:
A. Cutaneous anthrax
B. Carbuncle
C. Ulcerating melanoma
D. Infected rodent ulcer

60. Which of following is correct about Prions?
A. Long incubation period
B. Destroyed by autoclaving at 121° C
C. Nucleic acid present
D. Immunogenic

61. In the forensic laboratory some samples are
being examined under ultraviolet ray, the doctor
notices blue white colour of the sample. Which
is the most probable content of the samle?
A. Semen
B. Urine
C. Pus
D. Leucorrhoea discharge

62. A young man with known history of heroine
addiction is brought in the emergency in
unconscious state by his friends. On
examination his pupil are pin point. What will be
the treatment of choice?
A. Oral naltrexone
B. IV naloxone
C. Oral diazepam
D. Oral buprenorphine

63. A woman assaulted by neighbor was brought
to you in the emergency department with
fracture of middle tooth. Injury was extended
medially to the mouth and there was also
contusion to bilateral leg. What is the nature of
thi injury?
A. Grievous injury
B. Simple injury
C. Dangerous injury
D. Assault

64. A police officer brings the aborted product
of conception of size 2 cm and weight 10 gm.
For all forensic purposes what will be the age of
the fetus?
A. 2 weeks
B. 4 weeks
C. 6 weeks
D. 8 weeks

65. A person keeps a man under his power and
threatens him to assault or cause harm without
any intension to kill comes under?
A. Section 44
B. Section 351
C. Section 319
D. Section 320
66. Choking is seen in?
A. Revolver
B. Shopping rifle
C. Shotgun
D. Pistol

67. Double based smokeless gun powder
consists of:
A. Nitrocellulose plus nitroglycerine
B. Introcellulose plus sulphur
C. Potassium nitrate plus nitroglycerine
D. Potassium nitrate plus charcoal

68. True about OPV all except:
A. We get immune response
B. It is a live vaccine
C. It is used in epidemic
D. maternal antibody interferes with immune

69. If the prevalence is very low as compared to
the incidence for a disease. It implies:
A. Disease is very fatal and / or easily curable
B. Disease is non fatal
C. calculation of prevalence and incidence is
D. Nothing can be said as they are independent

70. For Randomized Control Trial (RCT) to assess
dating in adolescent, a study was done by
selecting random sections and then random
students. This is an example of:
A. Stratified sampling
B. Simple random sampling
C. Cluster sampling
D. Multistage sampling

71. The pattern of change of disease trends of
mortality and morbidity where the pandemics
infection are replaced by degenerative and manmade
disorders, the main cause of morbidity
and the most frequent cause of fatality is known
A. Cross transition
B. paradoxical transition
C. Epidemiological transition
D. Demographic transition

72. Mass chemoprophylaxis is not given for one
of the following:
A. Lymphatic filariasis
B. Plague
C. Vitamin A deficiency
D. Scabies

73. District population 10 lac, with under – 16
are 30%, prevalence of blindness is 0.8 / 1000 of
under – 16 population. Calculate the no. of blind
under – 16:
A. 240
B. 2400
C. 24000
D. 240000

74. All of the following are true regarding
tetanus except:
A. It is transmitted from person to person
B. Herd immunity is not of much value
C. The main reservoir is soil and intestine of
animals and human
D. Incubation period is 6 – 10 days

75. Current percent of Indian GDP spent on
A. 1.2
B. 2
C. 10
D. 15

76. Which of the following is the most common
cause of neonatal mortality in India?
A. Prematurity
B. Neonatal infection
C. Diarrheal disease
D. Congenital anomalies

77. In a population of 5000 people, 500 are
already myopic on January 1, 2011, number of
new myopic cases till December 31, 2011 is 9.
Calculate incidence:
A. 1.8 %
B. 2%
C. 5%
D. 20%

78. New cancer patients in India reported
A. 05. Million
B. 1 million
C. 5 million
D. 10 million

79. In a certain population, there were 4050
births in the last one year. There were 50 still
births, 50 infants died within 7 days. What is the
neonatal mortality rate?
A. 50
B. 62.5
C. 12.5
D. 49.4

80. Which is true about MDG?
A. Reduce by 2/3rd the under five mortality by
year 1990 – 2012
B. Half the prevalence of HIV – AIDS by 2015
C. Reduce maternal mortality by 50% by 1990 –
D. Reduce hunger and poverty by half

81. Screening age for trachoma is:
A. Below 5 school child only
B. 1 – 9 Years
C. 9 – 14 Years
D. 5 – 15 Years

82. True about NPCDCS is all except:
A. Separate centre for stroke, DM
B. Implementation in some 5 states over 10
C. CHC has facilities for diagnosis and treatment
of CVD, Diabetes
D. Day care facilities are available at subcentre

83. Rashtriya Swasthya Yojana:
A. Applies to BPL only
B. 30,000 per family member
C. 75% premium borne by family
D. Implemented all over India

84. HIV sentinel surveillance used to calculate:
A. Detection of high risk group
B. Prevalence
C. Monitoring disease trend
D. Detection of incidence

85. In a population of 200 people with normal
distribution. How many people would be
included in 1 SD?
A. 136
B. 140
C. 150
D. 190

86. All of the following are true about Roll back
malaria except:
A. Insecticide treated bed nets
B. Strengthening health system
C. Develop new insecticide
D. Training health workers

87. Highest mean and lowest mode indicates:
A. Positive skewing
B. Negative skewing
C. Normal
D. Symmetrical

88. Disability certificate for poor vision if 4/60, is
impairment percentage of:
A. 100
B. 75
C. 40
D. 30

89. A patient with Hepatitis C, exhibits hypocomplimentemia
with 2gm / day proteinuria and
hematuria. The most probable diagnosis is:
B. Cryoglobulinemia
C. Membranous glomerulopathy
D. Post-infectious glomerulonephritis

90. All are indicated in a patient with cystinuria
with multiple renal stones except:
A. Cysteamine
B. Increase fluid intake
C. Alkalinization of urine
D. Penicillamine

91. All of the following are true regarding
Raynaud’s phenomenon except:
A. It involves acral parts of fingers
B. migratory thrombophlebitis is seen only in
Raynaud’s phenomenon
C. Drugs acting by inhibiting the beta receptors
in blood vessels also play a role
D. Emotional stress may also precipitate
Raynaud’s phenomenon

92. A patient on amphotericin B develops
hypokalemia of 2.3 mwq / 1. K+
supplementation required:
A. 40 mEq over 24 hours
B. 60 mEq over 24 hours
C. 80 mEq over 24 hours
D. 120-160 mEq over 24 hours

93. A patient with 8 cm x 8 cm abscess in right
lobe of liver was treated with aspiration multiple
times (3 times) and with system amebicide. Now
cavity is remaning in right lobe of liver but there
is nothing in the cavity. Seven days course of
luminal amebicides is given. How will you follow
A. Stool examination only
B. USG weekly for 1 month followed by monthly
USG till 1 year
C. USG weekly for 3 months followed by CT scan
at 3 months
D. USG or CT scan monthly and stool
examination weekly

94. Which of the following is not true about
A. limb girdle weakness
B. Ophthalmoplegia
C. Para-neoplastic syndrome
D. Spontaneous discharge in EMG

95. Which of the following advises is not given
to a 35 years old female patient with recurrent
renal stone?
A. Increase water
B. restrict protein
C. restrict salt
D. Restrict calcium intake

96. A 28 years old man has anterior lenticonus
and ESRO now. His misternal uncle also died of
similar illness. Diagnosis is:
C. Oxalosis
D. Alport’s syndrome
97. Pinna calcification is seen in all except:
A. Gaut
B. Ochronosis
C. Frost bite
D. Addison’s disease

98. Which of the following does not need
A. Neuroblastoma
B. Burkitt’s lymphoma
C. T cell lumphoblastic leukemia

99. With ageing, a slight decrease in cognitive
impairment is seen due to increase in level of:
A. Homocysteine
B. taurine
C. Methionine
D. Cysteine

100. A patient presents with pain in Meta-Tarso-
Phalangeal joints and is a known case of chronic
renal failure. This is due to accumulation of:
A. Rh factor
B. uric acid
C. Serum urea
D. HLA B27 typing

101. SARS causative agent:
A. Corona-virus
B. Picorna-virus
C. Myxovirus
D. Retrovirus

102. Blink reflex is used for:
A. Mid pontine lesions
B. Neuromuscular transmission
C. Axonal neuropathy
D. Motor neuron disease

103. Grisel syndrome all are true except:
A. Post-adenoidectomy
B. Conservation treatment
C. Inflammation of cervical spine ligaments
D. No need for neurosurgeon

104. All of the following are seen in cervical
syringomyelia except:
A. Burning sensation in hands
B. Hypertrophy of abductor pollicis brevis
C. Plantar extensor
D. Absent biceps reflex

105. Which of the following is a feature of
temporal arteritis?
A. Giant cell arteritis
B. Granulomatous vasculitis
C. Necrotizing vasculitis
D. Leucocytoclastic vasculitis

106. A 70 years old retired military person with
good previous medical record complains of bitemporal
headache which is decreased in lying
down position. He states that he gets relief by
giving pressure over bilateral temples. The
patient also complains of loss of appetite with
feeling feverish. Diagnosis is:
A. Chronic tension headache
B. Temporal arteritis
C. Migrane
D. Fibromyalgia

107. A patient of rheumatoid arthritis develops
sudden onset quadriparesis, Babinsky sign
was positive, increased muscle tone of
limbs with exaggerated tendon jerks and
worsening of gait with no sensory, sphincter
involvement. Best initial investigation is:

A. X-ray of cervical area of neck in flexion and
B. MRI brain
C. EMG brain
D. Carotid angipgraphy

108. In a patient with implanted cardiac
pacemaker (defibrillator), which of the
following investigation is useful to know the
position of the misplaced implant?
A. X-ray
B. CT scan

109. All are true about 1 renal tubular acidosis
A. Renal stones
B. Hypokalemia
C. Sodium bicarbonate requirement > 4mg / day
D. urine pH > 5.5

110. An elderly female presents with the nasal
blockade and nasal discharge with black
debris. Blood sugar was raised and urine is
positive for the patient would be:
A. Amphotericin B
B. Itraconazole
C. Ketoconazole
D. Broad spectrum antibiotics

111. Gait apraxia is seen in thromboembolic
episode involving:
D. Posterior choroidal artery

112. A 12 months old girl of Punjabi parents
developed pallor since 3 months of age.
One unit of blood transfusion was done at 5
months of age. Now presents with pallor,
on examination hepatosplenomegaly.
Hemoglobin was 3.8gm / dl, MCV = 19.
Peripheral smear showed schistocytes.
Bone marrow examination show erythroid
hyperplasia. Diagnosis is:
A. Sickle cell anemia
B. Alpha-thalassemia
C. Beta-thalassemia (major)
D. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

113. A patient with Tubercular meningitis was
taking ATT regulary. At end of 1 month of
regular intake of drugs deterioration in
sensorium is noted in condition of the
patient. Which of the following
investigations is not required on emergency
C. CSF examination
D. Liver function test

114. Which of the following is true about Wilson
A. High copper in urine, high copper in serum
B. High ceruloplasmin
C. Low serum copper
D. Low urinary copper

115. All of the following are true about hernia
surgery except
A. Surgery should not be done unless patient
becomes symptomatic
B. Hernia in children is treated with herniotomy
C. Absorbable mesh should not be used for
D. Surgery can be done using laparoscopy

116. Patient present with varicose vein with
sapheno-femoral incompetence and normal
perforator. Management options include all
of the following except:
A. Endovascular stripping
B. Sclerotherapy
C. Sapheno-femoral flush ligation
D. Saphenofemoral flush ligation with striping

117. Not a cause of acute anal pain
A. Thrombosed hemorrhoids
B. Acute anal fissure
C. Fistula in ano
D. Perianal abscess

118. A 70 years old man with prostate cancer
was given radiotherapy. The recurrence of
the cancer is monitored biochemically by:
A. Androgene only
B. Prostate specific antigen and
carcinoembryonic antigen
C. Prostate specific antigen only
D. ALP and CEA

119. A patient has a surgical cause of obstructive
jaundice. USG can tell all of the following
A. Biliary trees obstruction
B. Peritoneal deposits
C. Gall bladder stone
D. Ascites

120a. Organism associated with fish
consumption that also cause carcinoma
A. Clonorchis sinensis
B. Gnathostoma
C. Strongyloides cantonensis
D. H. dimunata

120b. A patient presents to you with the features or
billary obstruction. He gives history of the
consumption of fish while on the trip. Which of the
following is most probable etiology?
A. Clonorchis sinensis
B. Ancylostoma
C. Strongyloides
D. Anterior abdominal wall

121. With the knowledge of anatomy of the pelvis
and perineum, which of the following is true
regarding collection of urine in urethral above deep
perineal pouch?
A. Medial aspect of thigh
B. Scrotum
C. True pelvis only
D. Anterior abdominal wall

122. A child was operated for small intestine mass
with intussusceptions and after the operation the
tumor was diagnosed in histologial section. Which is
the most likely tumor associated?
A. Carcinoid
B. Villous adenoma
C. Lymphoma
D. Smooth muscle tumor

123. All are about radiological features of the
intestinal obstruction except
A. Absence of air fluid level in straight X-ray rules out
any obstruction
B. Volvulus and mesenteric ischemia has a specific
C. Small intestine dilatation >3 cm
D. Distal large intestine >9 cm and proximal intestine
>5 cm

124. Which of the following is true about Buerger’s
A. Antherosclerotic
B. Neural involvement present
C. Ulnar artery and peroneal arteries involved
D. Only arteriole is involved

125. A lady 35 years old lactating mother presented
with a painful breast lump. Most appropriate initial
investigation should be:
A. Mammography
D. X- ray

126. A middle aged patients presents with the
complained of right hypochondrial pain. On Xray,
elevated right hemidaphragm was seen. All of
the following are the possible diagnoses except?
A. Subphrenic abscess
B. Acute cholecystis
C. Pyogenic liver abscess
D. Amoebic liver abscess in right lobe

127a. Treatment of carcinoma Cervix stage IIIB
A. Wertheim’s hysterectomy
B. Schuata’s hysterectomy
C. Chemotherapy
D. Concurrent chemoradiation

127b. Treatment of carcinoma cervix stage IIIB
A. Concurrent of chemoradiation
B. Surgery
C. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by
D. Only radiotherapy

128a. A female presents with 8 weeks amenorrhea
with pain left lower abdomen. On USG, there was
thick endometrium with mass in lateral adnexa.
Most probable diagnosis:
A. Ectopic pregnancy
B. Torsion of dermoid cyst
C. Tubo-ovarian mass
D. Hydrosalpinx

128b. A young female with 2 month amenorrhea
presents with sudden abdominal pain with adnexal
mass, urine pregnancy test is positive. Most likely
A. Ovarian
B. Ectopic pregnancy
C. Pelvic tumor
D. Ovarian cyst

129. In a study it is observed that the right ovary
ovulates more than the left, all are possible
explanation for the cause except:
A. Anatomical difference between right and left side
B. Difference in blood supply to both sides
C. Right handedness is more common in population
D. Some embryological basis

130. A young lady presents to your office with
complain of copious vaginal discharge, but there is
no cervical discharge on per speculum examination.
Which of the following should be given for the
A. Metronidazole and fluconazole
B. Metronidazole and azithromycin
C. Metronidazole and doxycycline
D. Fluconazole only
131. Which of the following is least seen in uterine
A. Hyaline degeneration
B. Sarcomatous change
C. Red degeneration
D. fatty degeneration

132. Which of the following is seen in pregnancy
heart disease which is not seen in normal
A. Distended neck veins
B. Exertional dyspnea
C. Pedal edema
D. Supine hypotension

133. A 24 years gravid female at 36 weeks gestation
comes with visual disturbance, headache and
elevated BP of 180 / 110 mm HG and 176 / 104 mm
Hg in two readings taken 20 minuts apart. Which is
the best management?
A. Start antihypertensive, magnesium sulphate and
terminate pregnancy
B. Admit, start antihypertensive and allow to
continue the pregnancy to the term
C. Give antihypertensive and treat in OPD basis
D. Only admit & watch the patient

134a. Test not useful in case of tubal pregnancy:
A. Pelvic examination
C. HCG levels
D. Hysterosalpingography

134b. Which of the following is not helpful in
diagnosis of tubal mass in ectopic pregnancy?
A. Beta-HCG estimation
B. Hysterosalpingography
C. Transvaginal ultrasound
D. Pelvic examination

135. A 19 years old patient came to the out patient
department with complaints of primary amenorrhea.
She had well absence of vagina and uterus but
normal ovaries. Likely diagnosis is:
B. Mullerian agenesis
C. Gonadal dysgenesis
D. Klinefelter’s syndrome

136. A 36 years old multigravida at 34 weeks, with
previous 2 normal vaginal delivery now presented
with unstable lie. The most likely diagnosis in this
case is:
A. Oligohydramnios
B. Placenta previa
C. pelvic tumor
D. Uterine anomalies

137a. A lady withprevious cesarean section presents
in labour. Trial of normal vaginal delivery is
contraindicated in:
A. Breech presentation
B. Fact of knowing that previous cesarean
section was due to CPD
C. Previous classical cesarean section
D. D. No previous vaginal delivery

137b. Trial of normal labour is contrainendicated in:
A. History of previous classical caesarean
B. History of previous caesarean section due
to CPD
C. No history of prior vaginal delivery
D. History of previous caesarean section due
to malpresentation

138. A young female presents with cyclical pain,
dysmenorrheal and complain of infertility. Which of
the following would be investigation of choice in
B. Diagnostic laparoscopy
C. Aspirate from pouch of Douglas
D. Hormonal Assessment

139. Shock index (HR / SBP) can be used to know the
severity of the bleeding in cases of hemorrhage.
Which of the following is most indicative for
significant PPH?
A. 0.3 – 0.5
B. 0.5 – 0.7
C. 0.7 – 0.9
D. 0.9 – 1.1

140. Forceps is preferred over vacuum for the
delivery because of the following reasons except?
A. Vacuum requires more clinical skills than forceps
B. Vacuum is preferred more than forceps in HIV
C. Forceps is more commonly associated with fetal
facial injury
D. Vacuum has more chance of formation of

141. A neurosurgeon dropped his kid to the school
then there he saw a child with uncontrollable
laughing and precocious puberty. When he again
went to the school in capital parents teachers
meeting, he talked to the father of that boy and
advised him to get an MRI done and the diagnosis
was confirmed. What is the most probable
A. Hypothalemic hamartoma
B. Pineal germinoma
C. Pituitary adenoma
D. Craniopharygioma

142. A child presented to the casualty with seizures.
On examination an oval hypo-pigmented macules
were noted diagnosis of the child is:
A. Neurofibromatosis
B. Sturge Weber
C. Tuberous sclerosis
D. Incontinenta pigmenti

143. A child is able to dress herself, knows her
gender, feeds without spilling. What is her age?
A. 2 years
B. 3 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years

144. A pre-term 32 weeks new-born baby with
respiratory rate of 86 / min with presence of
grunting. On examination there was no nasal flaring,
abdomen behind in movement than chest, minimal
intercostals retraction and no xiphisternal retraction.
The silverman scoring for the neonate shall be:
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

145. A 2 years old child with rickets in on calcium
supplemens and has a foot deformity. When shoul a
decision to undertake corrective surgery be
A. When vitamin D levels turn to normal
B. When growth plate healing is seen radiographically
C. When bone specific alkaline phosphatase is
D. When serum calcium becomes normal

146. Which of the following in the natural course of
disease has no reversal of the shunt?

147. A preterm infant with poor respiration at birth
starts throwing seizures at 10 hours after birth. Antiepileptic
of choice shall be:
A. Leveteracetam
B. Phenytoin
C. Phenobarbitone
D. Lorazepam

148. Corrent about respiratory distress syndrome is:
A. Seen after 6 hours of birth
B. Ante natal steroid
C. Term pregnancy
D. Air bronchogram seen on X-ray chest

149. A 7 years old girl with falling grades and
complaints by teacher that she is inattentive in class
to her parents and has bad school performance. On
hyperventilation her symptoms increased and
showed the following the following EEG findings.
Diagnosis is (graph is given)
A. Myoclonic epilepsy
B. myoclonus
C. Absence seizure
D. Juvenile myclonic epilepsy

150. One of the parents has a balanced translocation
between chromosome 15 and 21. What advice will
you provide to the couple to prevent a child being
born with Down’s syndrome:
A. Prenatal diagnosis & advice abortion
B. Artificial insemination with donor’s sperm
C. Adoption
D. No need worry as there is no increased risk

151. About trisomy 13, which of the following is a
true statement?
A. Bilateral micropthalmia
B. Neurofibroma
C. Rocker bottom feet
D. Dermoid cyst

152. A child hypoglycemia is not able to utilize
glucose from glycogenolysis or gluconeogenesis.
Which of the following enzyme is deficient in the
A. Fructokinase
B. Glucokinase
C. Glucose 6-phosphatase
D. Transketolase

153. In a child, CSF examination is not used in
diagnosis of
B. Hodgking’s lymphoma
C. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

154. A child presents with seborrheic dermatitis,
sinusitis and chronically draining ears. On
examination child h as failure to thrive with
hepatosplenomegaly and exophthalmos. Probable
diagnosis is
A. Histiocytosis-X
B. Wegener’s granulomatosis
C. Chronic granulomatous disease
D. Chediak-Higashi syndrome

155. Most common organism causing neonatal
A. Staphylococcus aureus
B. E. coli
C. Hemophilus influenza
D. Klebsiella

156. Which of the following is not a sign of PDA in a
preterm baby?
A. Apnea
B. tachycardia
C. Necrotizing enterocolitis
D. Narrow pulse pressure

157. A 7 years old child comes with fever and tibial
swelling exhibits on X-ray exhibits periosteal reaction
> Laboratory diagnosis of the patient?
B. Pus culture
C. Bone biopsy
D. Blood Culture

AIIMS November 2012
1. B
2. A
3a. C
3b. C
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. C
15. B
16a- A
16b- A
17b- A
18- D
19- B
20- C
21- C
23 -
24- A
25- A
26- A
27- B
28- C
29- A
30- D
31- A
32- C
33- B
34- B
35- C
36- B
37- A
38- B
39- A
40- A
41- A
42- B
43- A
44. C

AIIMS November 2012

45. B
46. B
47. B
48. A
49. C
50. C
51. C
52. B
53. C
54. A
55. A
56. D
57. C
58. B
59. A
60. A
61. A
62. B
63. A
64. C
65. B
66. C
67. A
68. A
69. A
70. D
71. C
72. D
73. A
74. A
75. A
76. A
77. B
78. B
79. A
80. A
81. B
82. C
83. A
84. C
85. A
86. C
87. A
88. B
89. A
90. A
91. B
92. D
93. B
94. B
95. D
96. D
97. A
98. A

AIIMS November 2012

99. A
100. B
101. A
102. A
103. D
104. B
105. A
106. A
107. A
108. A
109. C
110. A
111. A
112. C
113. C
114. C
115. A
116. B
117. C
118. C
119. B
120a. A
120b. A
121. C
122. C
123. A
124. B
125. B
126. B
127a. D
127b. A
128a. A
128b. B
129. C
130. A
131. B
132. A
133. A
134a. D
134b. B
135. B
136. B
137a. C
137b. B
138. B
139. D
140. A
141. A
142. C
143. B
144. B
145. B
146. C
147. C

AIIMS November 2012
148. D
149. C
150. A
151. A
152. C
153. B
154. A
155. D
156. D
157. C

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