Wednesday, October 16, 2013

AIIMS November 2012 Q 1 to 30

AIIMS November 2012

1. Which of the following is true about testis?
A. Ectodermal in origin
B. Gubernaculum is attached to the
caudal end of testis
C. Surrounded by peritoneal tunica
D. Reach scrotum at 28th weeks of

2. Which nerve does not supply gluteal
A. Sciatic nervez
B. Superrior gluteal nerve
C. Inferior gluteal nerve
D. Nerve to obturator internus

3 a. Nerve damaged in case of numbness of little
and ring finger, atrophy of hypothenar muscels:
A. Palmar cutaneous branch of ulnar
B. Deep branch of ulnar
C. Ulnar nerve before division into
superficial and deep branches
D. Posterior cord of branchial plexus

3 b. Loss of extension of little ring finger,
hypothenar atrophy is seen in injury of:
A. Post interosseous nerve
B. Radial trunk
C. Ulnar Nerve
D. Median nerve

4.Root value of long thoracic nerve
A. C-3,4,5
B. C-5,6,7
C. C- 7,8,T-1
D. C-2,3,4

5. Ciliary muscles develop from
A. Surface ectoderm
B. Neural crest cell
C. Mesoderm
D. Neuroectoderm

6. Which of the following structure in the spermatic
cord is not damaged during vasectomy:
A. Testicular artery
B. Ilioinguinal nerve
C. Autonomic nerves
D. Pampiniform plexus

7. Sternocleidomastoid is supplied by all of the
following artery except:
A. Occipital
B. Superior auricular Artery
C. Posterior auricular Artery
D. Thyrocervical trunk

8. All of the following organs develop in the
mesentery of stomach except:
A. Liver
B. Spleen
C. Kidney
D. Pancreas

9. Number of vertebrae is usually constant in:
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral

10. The ligaments connecting the menisci to the tibia
are known as:
A. Coronary
B. Arcuate
C. Transverse
D. oblique

11. A person was taking something over bookshelf
falls on his arm laterally, after which he is not able to
extend his wrist, unable to make a strong hand grip
and there is long of sensation on dorsum of hand
and fingers. Which of the following structure is
A. Branhial plexus
B. C7 radiculopathy
C. Posterior cord injury
D. Radial nerve injury

12. Apiglottis develops from which of the following
A. 2nd pharyngeal arch
B. 3rd pharyngeal arch
C. 4th pharyngeal arch
D. 6th pharyngeal arch

13. All are true regarding blood supply increase in
muscle during exercise except:
A. Local Metabolite
B. Sympathetic stimulation
C. Cholinergic stimulation
D. Inhibition of beta receptor

14. End diastolic volume increases in:
A. Decrease in total blood volume
B. Increase in intrapericarfial pressure
C. Increase in negative intrathoracic pressure
D. Decrease in ventricular compluiance

15. Right axis deviation is seen in:
A. Lying down position
B. Thin and tall
C. Obese person
D. At the end of peak expiration

16a. Clamping of the carotid arteries below
(proximal) the carotid sinus is likely to produce:
A. Increase in vasomotor centre activity
B. Increase in discharge of carotid sinus sfferent
C. Decreased heart rate and blood pressure
D. Baroreceptor adaptation

16b. Clamping of the carotid arteries below
(proximal) the carotid sinus is likely to produce:
A. Increase in blood pressure and increase in
heart rate
B. Decrease in blood pressure and decrease in
heart rate
C. Increase in blood pressure and decrease in
heart rate
D. Decrease in blood pressure and increase in
heart rate

17a. Self stimulation is experimentally done from
which part of brain?
A. Medial forebrain bundle
B. Area around aqueduct of sylvius
C. PV region of hypothalamus
D. Radial radiotherapy

17b. Stimulation of which of the following areas of
brain is experimentally used to control intractable
A. Periaquaeductal grey matter
B. Mesencephalon
C. Subthalamic nucleus
D. Medial forebrain bundle

18. A politician is shot in the back during a rally at
level of TB vertebral immediately after the shot he
loses all the sensation below level of lesion. Chance
of regeneration of spinal cord due to the fact that
injured nerve is not able to regeneration is due to
reason all except:
A. Lack of the endoneural tubes
B. Lack of growth factors
C. Presence Of glial scar
D. lack of myelin inhibiting substance

19. Which of the following is true?
A. Dopamine increase the hepatic and mesenteric
blood flow at high dose
B. Dobutamine decreases peripheral vascular
C. Nor-adrenaline increases the renal blood flow
D. Adrenaline causes selective renal vasodilation

20. Which of the following is not a second
A. c-AMP
B. IP3
C. Guanylyl cyclase
D. Diacylglycerol (DAG)

21. Which of the following is seen in association with
membrane raft?
A. Mannose binding protein
B. GTP associated receptor
C. GPI anchored protein
D. G-coupled receptor

22. Hepatic enzyme undergoes phosphorylation
from dephosphorylated state. Which of the
following is true?
A. Affected by level of Catecholamines
B. Occurs in starvation rather than well fed state
C. Always activated by c-AMP dependent protein
D. Always activates the enzyme

23. Which of the following is not true regarding the
principle of using nanotechnology for its use in the
medical science?
A. Spectrum of the frequency between absorption
and emission is narrow
B. Produce long lasting fluorescence
C. Has narrow spectrum of emission frequency
D. Not recalled

24. Which of the following is not a cause of point
A. Paracentric inversion
B. Deletion
C. Substitution
D. Insertion

25. A child develop skin tumor with blisters on
exposure to sunlight. Irregular dark spots on the skin
were also found. He is very likely has defect in which
of the following mechanism?
A. Thymidine dimmers repair
B. Base excision repair
C. Mismatch repair
D. Double strand break repair

26. True about RIBOZYME:
A. Peptidyl transferase activity
B. Cut DNA at specific site
C. Participate in DNA synthesis
D. GTPase activity

27. Test to differentiate the chromosome of normal
& cancer cells:
B. Comparative genomic hybridization
C. Karyotyping
D. Western Blotting

28. Enzymes found in CSF:
D. Deaminase and Peroxidase

29. Hyperacute rejection is due to:
A. Preformed antibodies
B. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte mediated injury
C. Circulating macrophage mediated injury
D. Endothelitis caused by donor antibodies

30. Flow cytometry is done on:
A. Polycythemia
B. Thrombocytosis
C. Basophil
D. Lymphocytes

AIIMS November 2012
1. B
2. A
3a. C
3b. C
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. C
15. B
16a- A
16b- A
17b- A
18- D
19- B
20- C
21- C
23 -
24- A
25- A
26- A
27- B
28- C
29- A
30- D

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