Wednesday, October 16, 2013




1.    All are true about brucella except –
A.   B. abortus is capnophilic
B.   Transmission by aerosole can occure occasionally
C.   Paesturisation destroys it
D.   2ME is used to detect IgA

2.    All are true about non typhoid salmonella except –
A.   Poultry is source
B.   Can cause invasive dedease is neonates
C.   Blood culture is more sensitive than stool culture in gastroenteritis in adults
D.   Resistance to Fluoroquinolone has emerged

3.     Lamda phase which of the following is true –
A.   It causes mad cow disease
B.   Lysogenic to lytic conversion cannot occure
C.   Lysogenic inform incorporates in host DNA & remain dormant
D.   Lytic phase incorporates in host DNA, proliferate & causes rupture of cell

4.    Streptococus all are true except –
A.   Streptodornase cleaves DNA
B.   Streptolysine O is active in reduced stage
C.   Streptokinase is produced from serotype A,C,K
D.   Pyrogenic toxin A is plasmid mediated

5.     Lymes disease all are true except –
A.   Borellia bourgdroferi replicates locally and invades locally
B.   Infection pogresses inspite of good humoral immunity
C.   Polymorphonuclear lymphonuclear lymphocytosis in CSF suggest meningial involvement
D.   IgA intrathecally confirms meningitis

6.     Which of the following statement is true about bacteriophage –
A.   It is a bacterium
B.   It helps in transformation
C.   It imparts toxigenicity to bacteria
D.   It transfers only chromosomal gene

7.    All are true regarding disinfectants except –
A.   Glutarldehyde is sporicidal
B.   Hypochlorites are virucidal
C.   Ethylene oxide is intermediate disinfectant
D.   Phenol usually requires organic matter to act

8.     Acelluler pertusis vaccine contains –
A.   Pertactin, flagillary hemagglutinin, cytotoxin, endotoxin
B.   Pertactin, flagillary, hemagglutinin, fimbriae, endotoxin
C.   Pertactin, cytotoxin, flagillary, pertactin
D.   Flagillary hemagglutinin, pertusis toxin, fimbriae


1.    Which of the following is seen in the ovulatory phase:
A.   Stimulation of continuation of reduction division of oocytes
B.   Inhibition A is increased
C.   FSH increases steroid synthesis in granulosa cells
D.   Active causes FSH to act on granulose cells

2.     Prolactinoma in pregnancy, all are true except –
A.   Most common pictuitary tumor but rarely symptomatic
B.   Increase in porlactin levels worse prognosis
C.   Macroadenoma > 1 cm is associated with bad prognosis
D.   Regulal visual checkup

3.     A 30 yrs woman 2+0, hypertension have menorrhagia. Which is best treatment for her:
A.   .Comboned pills
C.   Hysterectomy
D.   Transcervical resection of endometrium

4.    A 35 yrs old woman present with primary infertility & palpable pelvic mass. Her Ca – 125 level is 90 U / ml. doagnosis is –
A.   Ovarian Ca
B.   Endometrioma
C.   Tuberculosis
D.   Borderline ovarian tumor

5.     Ideal contraceptive for lactating is –
A.   Barrier method
B.   Combined OCP
C.   Lactational amenorrhoea
D.   Progesteron only pill

6.    Test for ovarian reserve –
A.   LH
B.   LH / FSH ratio
C.   FSH
D.   Estradiol

7.     Clomiphene citrate – true statement is –
A.   Enclomiphane is anti – estrogenic
B.   Increases pregnancy rate 3 times as compared to placebo
C.   Incidence of twin pregnancy is 5-6 %
D.   It has been shown to increase fertility in oligospermic males in randomized controlled trials

8.     All are seen in gestational diabetes except –
A.   Previous macrosomic baby
B.   Obesity
C.   Malformations
D.   Polyhydramnious

9.     Vaginal delivery can be allowed in all except –
A.   Monochrionic
B.   Mentoanterior
C.   Extended breech
D.   Dichorionoc twins with first vertex & second breech

10. A pregnant lady acqurires chicken pox 3 days prior to delivery. She delivers by normal vaginal route. Which of the following statement is true ?
A.   Both mother and baby are safe
B.   Give antiviral treatment to mother intra partum
C.   Give antiviral treatment to baby
D.   Baby will develop neonatal varicella syndrome

11. A 30 yrs old female comes with obstructed labour and is febrile & dehydrated with IUFD and cephalic presentation. Which is the best way to manage –
A.   Craniotomy
B.   Decapitation
C.   Cesarean section
D.   Forceps extraction

12. Antiphospholipid syndrome is associated with all except –
A.   Recurrent abortion
B.   Venous thrombosis
C.   Pancytopenia
D.   Antibody to lupus

13. Ideal contraceptive for newly married couple is –
A.   Barrier method
B.   Combined OCP
D.   Progesterone only pill

14.Ideal contraceptive for a couple living in different cities meeting only occasionally
A.   Barrier method
C.   OCP

15. 36. weeks pregnant diabetic female with NST non reactive. What should be done next –
A.   Induction of labour
B.   CS
C.   Do NST after 1 hr
D.   Proceed to biophysical profile

16.Which can be in pregnancy -
A.   ACE inhibitors
B.   Aldosterone
C.   AT receptor antagonist
D.   Propylthiouracil


1176. A patient with clinically significant diabetic macular edema with nan progressive diabetic retinopathy was treated with Macular grid photocoagulation. The patient still has vitreo macular traction. What is the preferred treatment ?
A.   Intravitreal bevacizumab
B.   Pars plana vitrectomy
C.   Repeat macular grid photocoagulation
D.   Augmented macula photocoagulation

2  177. Baby born premature at 29 wks on examination at 42 wks with ROP both eyes shows atage 2 zone 1 ‘plus’ disease, how will you manage the patient ?
A.   Examination the patient after 1 week
B.   Laser photocoagulation of both eyes
C.   Laser photocoagulation of worse eye, follow up of other eye
D.   Vitreoretinal surgery

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